a better way to plan parties

Create Event

Create an Event 🎊

Creating an event is easy and takes less than 30 seconds.

You can add your custom Venmo and set the price for the party.

Unlimited Events 🙌

Throw as many parties as you need – all for free.

And best of all, no fees!

PartyTalk Dashboard

Share an Invitation 🔥

Get a link to your party invite and share it with the world!

You can cap the number of responses and change the info later.

PartyTalk Invitation

Your Guests Respond ❤️

Your invitees can let you know if they can, can't, or might be able to make it.

Then the magic happens.

PartyTalk Yes

You Get Paid 💰

When guests say they can make it, they are immediately brought to their personal Venmo with all your custom info prefilled. Zero friction.

You get paid immediately with zero fees so you can preplan for your event.

PartyTalk Venmo